Saturday, July 20, 2019

Are Youth Gangs Forces Of Chaos?

I'm thinking specifically of Mara Salvatrucha, better known simply as MS 13, a good-sized Salvadoran gang outfit with an ENORMOUS recruiting territory and branch offices all over Central and South America, as well as right here in the good old U.S. of A., where they may have first gotten started.  They have been more in the news lately which is what made me think of them.   I'm just wondering if you need a CHANGE OF ACUITY about these guys and gals.  Would you call them AGENTS OF CHAOS?

AT FIRST GLANCE the MS13 would appear to be CHAOTIC AS HELL and not in a good way.  They've appeared in the news in the past few weeks for some gory, hideous crimes.

ITEM:  MS 13 members hoping to RISE IN THE RANKS killed 6 people in recent memory using machetes, beisbol bats and knives.  22 people were involved and most or all are in custody as I type this.

(ITEM:  Now, why would it even take 22 people to kill six people?  If I put my mind to it I could kill 22 people myself without any help.  But I digress.)

ITEM:  After a man crossed out some of the gang's graffiti, some MS 13 guys set upon him, strangled him, cut out his heart and took photos before pitching pieces of him into a canyon.  Wow!  Total overreaction!  Most Janes and Joes would see this as CHAOTIC, DISORDERLY behavior.  What do you think?

ITEM:  A well-known branch office of this gang, called the Fulton Clique or just La Fulton, has a leader nicknamed Satan.  Satan is the name a LOT of people coming from a Christian standpoint trot out IMMEDIATELY at the first sign of DISORDER.  

ITEM:  La Fulton is not an administrative branch of MS 13.  (If they even have one.)  They are BUSY AS HELL DOING CRIMES.  

ITEM: Most people put an equals sign between CRIME and CHAOS.

ITEM:  Mara Salvatrucha got started because the future gang members, surrounded by urban dangers, decided to CREATE SAFETY for themselves and the people they loved.  They also wanted to RIGHT SOME WRONGS.

ITEM:  Most people put and equals sign between SAFETY and ORDER.

ITEM:  Most people put an equals sign between THE RIGHTING OF WRONGS and IMPOSING ORDER.

ITEM:  The authorities feel these crimes were committed with the goals of BRINGING MS 13 BACK TO ITS ROOTS.  Certain parties have said they were trying to get the gang out from underneath the heel of the Mexican Mafia.  If I could ask them, I suspect MS 13 members would largely agree that getting out from underneath the Mafia is a way of RESTORING ORDER.

SEE WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE?  As gory and terrifying as their exploits are, these guys are probably just trying to MAINTAIN ORDER.

ALWAYS REMEMBER that while Order and Chaos are two sides of the same coin, Order itself is a 2-sided coin, as is Chaos:

Of course no policeman would see it this way.  When they arrest these gang members, they see themselves as IMPOSING ORDER ON DISORDER AND BEATING BACK THE CHAOS.  

But it's never that simple, is it?



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