Monday, November 27, 2023

I Just Stumbled Across This Tidbit...


I'm finally reading Christopher Darden's excellent book on the O.J. trial, IN CONTEMPT (ISBN 0-06-039183-9), and it mentions something I never knew before.  The utterly notorious gloves that had half the country arguing with the other half for weeks were made by a company named...


Google did not reveal how the company got that name, but I have to love it.  And how can Eris herself not love it too?  It's as if someone took her name, the name of her twin brother Ares, and ran them through a blender.  God of War, mixed with the Goddess of Discord...

And from there that SPECIAL BLEND came up with the gloves O.J. wore when her killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown.

Which led to probably the most discordant trial in our nation's history.

I'm learning so much about this trial in here!  I never realized that most of the months-long proceedings were SIDEBARS, arguments made out of the jury's hearing.  I never knew that both sides knew going in that the jury was dead set on saving their hero, O.J. Simpson, from the Man whether they thought he killed anyone or not.  I never knew how many jurors dropped our as they went along, one because he worked at Hertz and had met the defendant at some sort of work function they both attended. 

I'm not even all the way through the book yet.  But it's a real atom-smasher of a story.  PROOF POSITIVE that if you ever seek discord, chaos and confusion your best best is to do some COURTWATCHING.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

And I guess Eris called her boys home that day...


A Little Late For Veterans' Day...

 ...but I picked up THE SOLDIER'S WAR (by Richard Van Emden, ISBN 978-0-7475-9873-2) to read on Saturday, Nov 11th and found this little poem which really captures the whole conflict perfectly:

"History Of The War"

A Trench,

A Stench, 

Some scraps of French,

Some horrible German vapours;

A Shell,

A Yell, 

No more to tell,

Bar a paragraph in the papers!

-- Private Frank Pope, 10th King's Royal Rifle Corps

Rest in peace, if you can, everyone.