Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Is There Anything More Chaotic Than The Stock Market?

I heard today that China lost 161 billionaires this week, after a nosedive in the stock market. 


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Islamic State On the Rocks?

I heard on the radio news today that the dreaded Islamic State is now confined to 1,000 miserable holdouts crouched on a piece of turf a few hundred yards long on the banks of the Euphrates River.  45 is prepared to declare TOTAL VICTORY over the terrorist group, probably within a matters of HOURS.  No doubt he sees this as the restoration of ORDER in some sense, insofar as there is ever ORDER in the Middle East.

Let's think about that, though.

Terrorists of this ilk are still definitely around, and not just in that tiny corner of Syria described above.  Recruiting is going on all over the world for outfits like Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab.  Some of the recruiters, like that renegade graduate of George Washington University, Anwar al-Awlaki, have proven IMMORTAL and are still getting names added to the enrollment lists long after their violent deaths.  It's not a stretch to say that like Buddy Holly and Jim Morrison, Al-Awlaki is probably more popular now BECAUSE he died young -- he was vaporized in a CIA drone strike September 30, 2011.

Now what would the higher-ups on Capitol Hill be thinking about all this?  They have definitely been trying FOR YEARS AND YEARS to see this is terms of traditional warfare -- we meet them on the field of battle and plow them into the sand, and we've WON.  

But Islamic terrorists, like terrorists EVERYWHEN, are constantly moving targets.  Any young hothead with an axe to grind, even one who knows ZERO about Islam, is welcome to SIGN UP so they can try to blow up a plane coming in for a landing at Detroit Metro Airport or drive a truck full of dynamite into the side of a daycare center.  Is shrinking their territory to a pinpoint and arresting everyone standing on it, well, is it a clear win?

It does look good on CNN.

But 45's imposition of ORDER on that section of damp grass is the ISIS definition of a CALL TO CHAOS.  They are just going to reload more recruiting videos on YouTube and SPREAD THE WORD.  And this time they may be smart enough not to bunch up in a place where someone can aim a DRONE at them.

Which would be Capitol Hill's, Syria's and most other people's definition of CHAOS.  Not the good kind, either.  

I just feel we should BUCKLE OUR SEATBELTS for the next round.
