Well, the other shoe finally dropped for the 45th American president as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for a long-awaited IMPREACHMENT INQUIRY. The allegations are that Big Orange tried to convince the Volodymyr Zelensky,the Ukrainian President, to find some kind of dirt on Trump's main opponent in the 2020 presidential race, Joe Biden. If this sounds kind of Watergatey to you, THERE'S A REASON FOR THAT. Nixon got in hot water for trying to steal election strategies from the Democratic National Convention back in the day. And this happened even before investigators appear to have read all the way through Count Trumpula's TAX RETURNS, finally subpoenaed just days ago after something like a 3-year wait.
ON THE SAME DAY Pelosi made her announcement, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom found that the British Donald Trump, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, ACTED ILLEGALLY by trying to shut down Parliament for 5 weeks so he could push through his own Brexit plans without having to run the same gamut faced by his predecessor, Theresa May. I heard Parliament's House Speaker thundering on the radio about the likelihood that a Vote of No Confidence -- the British equivalent of IMPEACHMENT -- might not be far behind.
Labels: let your Chaos flag fly